Union Science Olympiad (EUSO)
The European Union Science Olympiad (EUSO) is a
team competition for EU second level school science students who are 16
years of age or younger on the December 31st prior to the competition.
Students born on or after 1st January 1990 are therefore eligible to
take part in EUSO 2007.
Objectives of
the EUSO
- to challenge and
stimulate gifted science students to develop their talents and to
promote their career as scientists
- to provide
invaluable experience for students who may take part in the
International Science Olympiads
- to offer the
opportunity to compare the syllabi and educational trends in science
education within the EU member states which could help improve science
education at national levels
Aims of the Competition
- to select the top
young EU science student teams at the annual EUSO
- to stimulate the
active interest of students in the sciences
- to promote and
reward the pursuit of excellence in scientific endeavour
- to foster a
positive and high profile image of science and scientists
- to encourage an
appreciation of the value of science amongst the wider community
- to convey to
students, schools and the community the importance of advanced study
and progressive learning in science
- to exchange ideas
and materials about science education among EU states
- to encourage
greater contact and co-operation between secondary school students and
teachers from the EU
- to prepare EU
science students for the International Science Olympiads